Sunday, July 13, 2008


Health is needful to everyone in the world. If you don’t take care about your health, you will die. Everyone needs food to be fine and we fine a lot of food, but becareful with the food. You have to take care about your food because it is helpful or harmful for your heath. If you eat too much, you will be lost your heath. You have to get nice body. If you are fat, you have to get diet. I find a good diet for everyone fat. It eats all things protein like chicken, any meats and any protein. I think you will lose a lot in first moth. I use to this diet, and I lose 10 kg.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Nothing Hill
Notting Hill is funy story. I like this story. It has funny, interesting, and Excellent. I think Willam is good person, and Anne is good woman. the movie has very good cast. I think this movie has 4 stars for me. I enjoy watch this movie . I love it. I think different between story and watch movie , because If you watch movie easy understand , but the sory is difficult understand. it was interesting. the best part for me it was part in the end. thanks teacher for choose this movie or story.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

One day the fox was hungry. And he sees the crow has cheese. He wants to eat the cheese but he can't fly. Then he thinks how I can get the cheese. And he gets some idea. Then he say to crow "wow your voice is beautiful. You have the best voice in world". The crow he is very shy and happy. And he says "really I didn't herd this before". The fox say "really I want to listen to your voice try to sing". Then the crow sing and the cheese dropped to the ground, while the fox go to got the cheese and eat it. Then the fox says "Do not trust flatterers"

Monday, June 23, 2008

I will talk about the man and the woman in my country Saudi Arabia. What does the man do for the woman? What does the woman do for the man? I think he works and makes money for her. She can stay at home, cleaning everything and cooking for him. If she needs any thing, he must buy it for her. If he comes at home, he looks at ready food and he will eat and then relax. If the women get sick, he will take her to the hospital and he will buy the medicine for her. She raises the children until the age of 7 years and after that, the father will complete the mission. The woman can work if she needs or wants. The difference between woman job and man job is the responsibility. He must buy or rent the house and buy everything is necessary for her but she doesn't have to do that. Saudi culture is different from Canada.
My friend is smart . He is good man .He is favored friends to me .He has 3 brother and 1 sister . I like my friend .And he like me . My friend and I studied in Saudi Arabia .My friend and I are going to go Makkah ,becouse we want pray in Mosque (Mosque Al-Haram). Then I going to Jeddah becouse we want swim in beach .He is studying Medicine . He has a car new . And he is wheaten skin. He is Long and fast . He is first on the class in classroom. He living in Riyadh now. he is like Organizer. His father is Businessman . His name is Abdullah

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I have a cell phone.Its model is NOKIA N95 . It has two cameras . One of them is 5 Megapixel which use for pictures and videos making. The other one is 2 megapixel which use for video calling. My cell phone has a big memory, it is about 2 GB . It has wireless, blutooth and IR connections. It has MP3 player. It has GPS navigation and GBRS. You can check your e-mail and brows the net from my cell phone. It has Hotmail messenger and TV program. Above all of that, it is easy to use and its price is about 750 USD. This cell phone is the best for me ......

Sunday, June 1, 2008


We like camels in Saudi Arbia. people in saudi Arabia, they like it . cost some camels to (10000000)Rials 10 million maybe on $ 3 million , but camels are cost normlly 3000 million. the camels can don,t drink along time. she has milk very taste very beautiful . it's very fast and very strong . the camels have two kind one has one tomp and onther kind two tomp.